Michelle. She's a physicist working at the Institute of Physics, but recently she's been learning kung fu. In particular she wants to learn how to break wood with her bare hands, and find out the physics behind the feat.
Xeni Jardin
Xeni Jardin is a tech culture journalist and co-editor of the award-winning weblog Boing Boing.
She is a contributor to television, radio, and print venues including Wired Magazine, Wired News, and National Public Radio, and hosts events that explore the impact of technology on media and popular culture.
Sarah Phillips
Sarah Phillips has been working on the forward-angle measurement of the G-zero experiment that ran last year in Jefferson Lab's Hall C. This experiment measured parity-violating asymmetries in elastic electron-proton scattering, from which the contribution of the strange quark to the charge and magnetic properties of the proton will be determined.
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